Boris Johnson publishes new London Rental Standard

It is often claimed that London is a different country to the rest of the UK as nearly everything is more expensive and markets often differ there compared to the rest of the country. This is extremely true when it comes to the property and private rental sectors, as in London property and rent prices are much higher than anywhere else in the country. This is mainly due to the fact that London is a hub for UK business, which means that many […]

MPs argue over Letting Agent fees

Letting agents generally receive bad press due to the fact that many people feel it is unfair for them to charge tenants fees for finding them a home when they are already paid by landlords. At the moment, a large proportion of the population are struggling to afford rent for private rental properties due to the fact that they have inflated as a result of the housing crisis. This means that many tenants lament the fact that on top of saving money for […]

Mortgage Applicants to Face Tougher Criteria

Over the past few months a number of property and economic experts have been vocalising their opinions on how the housing crisis can be solved. Currently, there is a much higher amount of demand for housing than there is supply, which has ultimately led to house prices increasing at a rapid rate. One of the causes of this surge in demand is the government’s Help to Buy scheme which enables individuals to apply for a mortgage with a deposit of as little as […]

Landlords Prepare for Market Changes

It’s currently a very risky time for UK landlords as in the next twelve months a number of changes are likely to affect the private rental sector. One of the most prominent changes will be the Bank of England increasing its baseline interest rate, ultimately leading to monthly buy to let mortgage repayments increasing. Therefore, it is not surprising to see that many landlords are already preparing themselves by investing in extensive landlord insurance policies and remortgaging their buy to let properties in […]

How the Investigation into Energy Providers will affect Landlords

The UK has an ageing population, and as such the issue of energy prices is often debated by politicians, activists and the general public. It is an unfortunate state of affairs when the older members of the UK population have to choose between having enough to eat and keeping warm during the winter, and recently the winters in the UK have been particularly long.
Energy prices have risen considerably over the years, and many of the ‘Big Six’ providers were criticised last year for upping […]

Lenders offering new Products to Landlords

It’s not surprising that with the private rental sector doing so well a number of lenders are trying to cash in on their customers’ success. For many, the private rental sector is an extremely wise place to invest in at the moment, as a number of reports are suggesting that demand for private rented property will remain at a high level for the next few years at the very least.
However, as a landlord you should be wary of any special offers, as they can sometimes […]

PropertyQuoteDirect Investigates the Long Term Consequences of the Recent Flooding

Flooded HousesCountless homes across the country have recently been plighted by flooding, with many privately owned and buy to let properties being left inhabitable or in need of thousands of pounds worth of restoration. However, even though these issues are extremely serious, they are only short term compared to the effects the flooding will have on the property and private rental markets in the future.
In order to […]

Lenders offering better deals for Landlords

It’s no secret that over the past few years the private rental market has boomed, which means that good quality, affordable properties are now usually only on the market for a matter of days before they are let out. Furthermore, landlords have been benefitting from a secure form of income, as the rising demand has led to rent prices increasing and tenants taking more care of their properties than in previous times.

Landlords becoming more wary of letting to DSS Tenants

Over the course of last year we saw numerous reports stating that landlords were becoming less inclined to let to DSS tenants due to the changes in the private rental sector generated by the welfare reforms. The introduction of Universal Credit and the spare room subsidy particularly concerned landlords as it meant they would no longer directly receive housing benefits and tenants could see a reduction of their housing benefits if thought to have a ‘spare’ room.

Landlords Warned to Protect their Incomes over Christmas

Christmas is an expensive time of year for most people, which is why having a good grasp on your finances is essential; however it seems as though some landlords are not taking managing their finances seriously enough. We have already seen reports concerning landlords who are failing to pay the right amount of tax or set up contingency funds to protect them should the worst happen. Furthermore, many articles claim that it’s not just the landlords that suffer from financial mismanagement but tenants […]