North West landlord group launches website for tenants

A Merseyside-based housing association has launched a brand new website for their tenants to scrutinise the services they provide. Helena Homes has over 20,000 tenants living in properties which are covered by buy to let property insurance and this will give them the chance to review performance as well as saying where improvements can be made.

Helena Homes joins nine other housing associations who have been appointed as a co-regulatory champion by the TSA (Tenant Services Authority) in recognition of their work in openly encouraging every tenant to have their say if they feel improvements can be made.

Nina Peters, Intelligence and Performance Manager for Helena, said “Tenant feedback is hugely important to us to define our services so that we are meeting the needs and wants of our customers. The website is a one stop shop for all our performance information and will be a valuable tool for both staff and tenants, highlighting our successes and demonstrating how we work with tenants to shape our services to their exacting standards. We are very supportive of tenants and offer a wide variety of ways for people to get involved and have their say on services in a way that suits everybody.”

All ten of the housing associations will be looking at building relationships with each other, enabling them to work together to review services. It is hoped that this will be a great way to allow tenants to get involved and share views. It is hoped the website will prove a successful platform for developing a partnership between landlord and tenant. If it proves to be successful it is hoped other housing associations will copy the winning formula. Helena Housing places a large emphasis on customers and has three dedicated tenant groups. This reinforces Helena’s commitment to be open and transparent which will develop even further in the future by using their customer feedback.