Category Archives: Landlord Advice

Should Tenants be able to ‘Rent for Life’? private rental

As more and more people are relying on the private rental sector regulators have been campaigning for tenants to have better rights so that they can build a home and a life. The fact that tenants can be given six or twelve months’ notice to vacate their properties at any given time means that they often struggle to plan for the future, which is why a think tank has recently claimed that they should be allowed to ‘rent for life’. But what does this mean […]

Protecting your Property Portfolio in 2015

Protecting your Property Portfolio in 2015 – 2014 has been an interesting years for landlords, as regardless of the types of properties you let you will likely have been hit by changes in the industry. One of the biggest talking points of 2014 was the national housing crisis which has yet to subside despite the government’s efforts. In order to make the private rental sector both fairer and more affordable a number of new regulations came into effect during the past twelve months, so how […]

Tenant Tips: Protecting Properties at Christmas

Protecting Properties – Here at PropertyQuoteDirect we regularly provide advice for landlords on how they can help their tenants stay safe. Christmas can often be a stressful time for landlords as not only are tenants more likely to be burgled but if anything happens to their properties they will want you to fix it as soon as possible so they can carry on enjoying the festivities. However, with a bit of research and some clever tips both you and your tenants should be able to […]

Should the State be responsible for Building new Properties?

Should the State be responsible for Building new Properties?
Today the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne will potentially address the public for the last time to announce his Autumn Statement. However, even though the Chancellor has yet to officially announce his plans as well as the current condition of the UK economy there have already been rumours concerning his statement. This has prompted other MPs to voice their opinions on how the UK can improve, with Danny Alexander – Chief Secretary to the Treasury – […]

Making sure your Tax Affairs are in Order

No-one likes paying taxes, however it is something that we all have to do. Over the past few months PropertyQuoteDirect has written numerous articles concerning landlords and tax, as by paying the wrong amount you could end up with a fine or even facing prosecution. On the other hand, you could actually be paying too much tax, especially if you are not declaring certain deductibles such as letting agent fees and landlord insurance. So how can landlords make sure that their tax affairs are in […]

Top Tips for Preparing your Properties for Winter

Preparing your Properties for Winter – During the coldest months of the year temperatures can reach lows of -10⁰C at night in some parts on the UK, so it’s no wonder why you need to spend more time looking after your home during winter. As you increase the heat inside your home and cosy up in front of a warm fire you must not forget to think about other parts of your home and the potential damage that could be caused. In a previous blog […]

Landlords and the new Anti-Social Behaviour Act

Anti-social tenants can be a complete nightmare for landlords as not only do they cause issues in your properties but can also disrupt your business. Unfortunately, as a landlord you are somewhat responsible for your tenants’ behaviour, which means if they are upsetting those that live near them you will be expected to step in and help resolve the situation. However, this isn’t always easy due to the fact that tenants have certain rights and previously even if they were given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order […]

The new Refurbish-to-Let trend sweeping the UK

This week it was announced that if the Bank of England’s new proposals go forward landlords may soon have to come up with forty per cent deposits in order to be given buy to let mortgages. Landlords are already struggling to expand their property portfolios due to the rising cost of property and if the Bank of England’s plans go ahead they could make matters worse.
This is why so many landlords are taking part in a new trend: ‘refurbish-to-let’. The idea is pretty simple: buy […]

Should Landlords have Performance Reviews? Tenant Groups

Over the past few years a number of tenant groups have claimed that the private rental sector needs to be better regulated in order to tackle the issue of rogue landlords. However, it’s not just rogue landlords that tenant groups want more help managing, but also landlords who do not take their responsibilities seriously but are not bad enough to be considered ‘rogue’. In order to decipher whether landlords are looking after their tenants properly they need to be properly reviewed, but is this possible?

What does an Independent Scotland mean for Property Markets?

No matter where you go this week you will hear people talking about the Scottish referendum, and next Thursday the people of Scotland will decide whether to stay within the UK. At the moment figures are showing a predominantly fifty-fifty split between ‘yes’ and ‘no’ votes although they have been fluctuating over the past few days. As there is no getting away from the Scottish referendum PropertyQuoteDirect has decided it would only be right to report on what could happen to the property markets both […]