Category Archives: Social Housing

How do proposed legislation changes impact HMO landlords?

Minimum bedroom size, mandatory licensing and personal checks
If you currently own a property that is let to multiple occupants you are going to need know about the changes that could soon be coming your way including minimum bedroom size requirements, mandatory licensing and personal checks on yourself. So, let’s get started!

How can landlords help young people find homes?

A recent report published by the housing charity Shelter has shown that nearly half of all twenty to thirty four year olds are still living with their parents as they cannot afford to get onto the housing ladder. To make matters worse, this demographic is also struggling to afford current rent prices, meaning that we are seeing a generation of young people unable to leave home. As a landlord, you may think that this doesn’t affect you, however helping young people find homes can be […]

Politicians and the Bedroom Tax

Bedroom Tax – After gaining power along with the Liberal Democrats, the Conservative party implemented a number of welfare reforms. They claimed that these reforms would make the benefit system fairer as before some individuals were claiming more in benefits than the average worker received in pay. One way they hoped to achieve this was by introducing the spare room subsidy (also known as the bedroom tax) where those living in social housing that were considered to have ‘spare’ rooms would have their housing benefits […]

The Growing Issue of Welfare Reforms and Landlords

The welfare reforms have been discussed at length in the news recently, mainly due to the fact that they are affecting thousands of people across the UK. The coalition government claim that the whole point of the welfare reforms is to make the benefit system fairer, however a number of schemes have already put some people in danger of losing their homes. Here, PropertyQuoteDirect looks at the issue in further detail:

The Bedroom Tax: Will it affect you?

The much-talked about bedroom tax will come into effect this April. Those against it say that it will leave already struggling families homeless or in debt. Those in favour of it say that it is necessary if we are to reduce the housing benefit bill to a more manageable level than it is now.

Taking Tenants on Benefits

Many landlords refuse to take tenants who plan to pay their rent using housing benefit. There are several reasons for this. Some landlords are worried about frequent government changes to housing benefit rules causing delays in payment, and there may be worries about what happens if a tenant loses their benefit for any reason.

Development for Social Housing Fraud

Last week we blogged about the proposal that the Housing Minister, Grant Shapps, was to make it illegal for landlords to sublet their homes with punishments such as two years imprisonment and a hefty fine included in the plans. Well this week, there has been a further development on the story, as it seems that it’s not just us here at PropertyQuoteDirect that agree with the proposed plans!
Backing for Plans
Paul Shamplina, of Landlord Action, has said that he is fully behind the plans as he […]