Tag Archives: Buy-to-Let

Faith Returning to Landlords

It has been reported that landlords are currently the most confident since the economic downturn in 2007. These are the results of research commissioned by Paragon Morgan and carried out by BDRC Continental.
The results found that 66 per cent of the landlords that were questioned in the survey are expecting that the rest of the year and especially this quarter are going to be promising months. This is the best result in positivity since 2007 when the credit crunch hit and affected the housing market.
The […]

Finding a Great Location

For many property hunters, an important consideration is where their potential home is located. When searching for a buy to let property, you need to have an idea of the key features of an area which will be appealing to prospective tenants. For example:
Number One Areas
There are always well known areas that are extremely desirable and as a result, very competitively priced. If you are unable to secure a property in your ideal location, the best alternative is to find a property which is just […]

Reasons to become a buy-to-let landlord

There are several reasons why you may wish to invest in buy-to-let.
According to ODPM housing statistics and the Barclays Capital Equity Guilt Study, residential property is the asset class that has performed the best of all in the UK over the past half-century. In real terms, it was shown that £100 invested in residential property in 1930 would have grown to £767 by 2004. This compares to only just over £363 for a portfolio of shares.
The rules of supply and demand also continue to favour […]