Tag Archives: Landlords Insurance

Taking Tenants on Benefits

Many landlords refuse to take tenants who plan to pay their rent using housing benefit. There are several reasons for this. Some landlords are worried about frequent government changes to housing benefit rules causing delays in payment, and there may be worries about what happens if a tenant loses their benefit for any reason.

Win a £50 Laura Ashley Gift Card!

PQD Facebook CompetitionWe know that many of you landlords spent a great deal of time worrying about your tenants’ properties, and this can mean that you spend many weekends arranging repairs, landlord insurance claims and finances. Therefore we thought that you could spend some time focusing on yourself and your own properties, which is why we are giving away a £50 Laura Ashley voucher!
Laura Ashley is known for their great sense of style and […]

First Time Buyers Even Worse Off

This tiny island has a real property shortage, especially if you’re on a budget. Cheap homes are getting ever more expensive as people prepare their wallets to fork out more and more. Demand has never been higher, especially for places with good transport links. If you’re a young homeowner, it’s going to be even more daunting.

Negotiating the Mortgage Maze

Our buoyant rental market and government financial encouragement in the form of the Funding for Lending scheme means that it is relatively easy to get a buy-to-let mortgage now. Many lenders have introduced new buy-to-let products in the last few months, and many have dropped their rates on existing products.

Friday Five: Questions Asked By Investors

Here are the top five questions asked by property investors and Landlords, and here are the answers:
5. How can property management help me?
Landlords can really benefit from the services of a property management agent. The agent will have a lot of experience and information, as well as helping set up buy-to-let schemes, getting reliable tenants as well as organizing viewings. Getting a property management agent costs a small fee, but it is worth it and will make life a lot easier.

The Value of Buying Abroad

Buying Abroad – Many of us dream of owning a property outside of the UK after having had a taste of life abroad. Whether it’s a family trip to the Algarve or a romantic holiday in Dubrovnik, the thought of having an abode outside the rainy British Isles is quite appealing. It is easy though, for sentimentality to get in the way of a good purchase. Sentimentality can add value which would otherwise be absent in the market in question, something which is often exploited.

Warm Tenants, Happy Landlords?

Happy Landlords – The recent increase in the percentage of people renting rather than owning, and the resultant rising rents has meant that many tenants are more demanding of their landlords than they once were. Those who would have expected to buy in the past, but instead find themselves renting for the foreseeable future as the banks clamp down on credit, can be tougher customers than the students and short-term renters who once made up a higher percentage of the market. Keep them happy by […]

Friday Five: Where To Buy Abroad?

The market for buying property abroad is fast changing, with your traditional locations such as France and Spain being closely followed by the USA, Eastern Europe and even the Middle East in terms of desirability. Here are the top five most desirable places to buy abroad:

Essential Skills for Landlords

Essential Skills for Landlords – So you think you have what it takes to be a landlord? Whether you plan to let out just one or two properties, or to build a huge property network, you should think about whether you have the skills and knowledge you need before taking that investment plunge. So what are those essential skills?

Friday Five: Tips for negotiating a purchase

If you’re looking to get your perfect house, and you think you’ve found the one, how do you get it for the best price possible? The current housing market is somewhat unpredictable, but as it gets better and house prices start to rise again, negotiating the right price for a property becomes harder. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your money.