Sash windows can bring a house to life

Owning a rental property with sash windows can be problematic, but any landlord tempted to remove them for convenience should remember that for many tenants they are a desirable feature. If treated with care and covered by landlord insurance, sash windows can prove to be a good draw for attracting good tenants.

A sash window is made of movable panels that form a frame that hold the panes of glass which are quite often separated from the other panes of glass by narrow bars. Sash windows do come with problems such as swelling, rot, distortion of the woodwork and rattling in the wind. Sash windows are very high maintenance, but they are well worth the work because of the advantages of having great looking windows on the property. Finding out if the sash windows on the property are original is very easy. Looking at the glass can give the answer. If the glass has waves/ripples or it shimmers then chances are they are original.

Another disadvantage of having sash windows is it is not possible to replace the glass with a more energy efficient glass. This is because the original sashes were designed to take single glazing. Tests have shown that modern day single glazing will not perform any better than the original does, plus when walking past a property which has the original glass in the windows, the sparkle the glass gives off will be a talking point. To keep them looking that way a sash window needs to be serviced/repaired about every 12 years. Servicing the sash window is a big job as they have to be dismantled, eased, re-aligned, re-assembled, and they will need a draught sealing system and a brush pile system applied.

A sash window is very likely to have draughts and rattles. The brush pile system will help cut out draughts and rattling and also cut down the amount of heat lost through the window. The brush pile system can also significantly cut down the exterior noises. Sash windows normally have a centre catch on the mid rail. But this is not on its own adequate security for the property. There is an array of key operated locks available in various stores, a good choice is the restrictor lock, and this not only adds to security but also allows the window to be opened slightly without reducing security or safety.

If the property is rented, the landlord will want an experienced tradesman to do all the important jobs. Anything to do with sash windows really should be done by someone who knows what they are doing. The windows will need between five to eight years between each painting, this of course depends on where the property is and which direction the windows are facing (windows which are facing south tend to suffer more from the elements). If the sash windows are original, never try to burn off the old paint as this will also remove any lead paint which is there to protect the window and it will also expose dangerous lead fumes into the air.

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