Tag Archives: Property insurance

Social Housing to Be Sold?

The government has announced plans to sell social housing in more expensive areas, and re-invest the money raised to build new social homes in cheaper areas. The plans come on the back of a report from think tank the Policy Exchange, that showed that one in five social housing tenants is living in a home worth more than the average privately owned property in the local authority in which they stand.
The report recommends that as properties become vacant, they should be sold. At current vacancy […]

Property Prices Near Premier League Football Stadiums

As the football season started over the weekend we thought it would be the perfect time to report on the effects that football stadiums are having on the properties surrounding them.
It turns out, over the last ten years, property owners that have the same post code as premier league football stadiums have seen their property’s value more than double. This is according to research that was carried out by Halifax.
The average price of a house that surrounds a football stadium is now 137 per cent […]

Profits Expected in the Rental Market

According to two reports, buy to let investors will make a steady return on their investments over the next 13 years. This is a result of rising rental prices and that house prices are recovering which is boosting the property market.
Rental Market
Over the last year rental price have increased by 4.3 per cent and they don’t look to be slowing down. This is a result of mortgages not being widely available and that there is not much new stock on the market of a high […]

North/South Divide in Home Repossessions

There is currently a national property divide between the north and the south of the country and those who are most likely to lose their homes.
A heatmap has shown that those who live in the north are much more likely to lose their homes compared to those who are living in the south.
No matter where your home is, it is always a good idea to have insurance because circumstances that are out of your control can change very quickly. In addition, if your tenants happen […]

Buying Versus Renting

If we are lucky enough most of us will be able to buy a home, for others though this idea is a distant dream even though in the long run it could be a money saver.
Substantial Savings
In a recent report from Barclays it showed that, in a lifetime, getting onto the property ladder is much more beneficial that renting a property. By making a purchase this could save around £200,000 over the course of a lifetime.
This is based on a mortgage over 50 years and […]

The Friday Five – Home Renovation TV Programmes

The Friday Five – Home Renovation TV Programmes
For those of us who can’t get enough of daytime TV, most have probably seen every home renovation programme out there. So, this week we are looking at our five favourite property makeover shows. The Friday Five will list the shows from our lease favourite to the very best. We all know the simplest of jobs can often turn into a DIY nightmare that our families will never let us live down and it’s a wonder whether the […]

The Friday Five – Top Five Disney Homes

This week’s Friday Five needs you to go back to your childhood and remember the Disney stories we all loved, and for some of us, still do! Here at PropertyQuoteDirect we are looking at the top five homes in Disney Movies. Although we are pretty sure none of the characters who lived there have landlord insurance we are sure they could have done with it, surely the three little pigs couldn’t afford to build two brand new homes without any help from an insurance company!
1. UP
First […]

The Friday Five – Most Expensive Counties

This week our Friday Five looks at the top five most expensive UK counties to live in. The information is based on a study that was conducted by PrimeLocation.com. Obviously the more expensive the property, the more expensive the landlord insurance will be especially if contents insurance is taken out as well. These are all additional costs homeowners should expect to incur and something to consider when deciding on which county to live in.
1. Surrey
The average property in this area will cost around £255,125. This is […]

Literally the Hottest Places to Buy Property in the UK

With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations starting from the 2nd June in just 2 weeks, it seems like the main occasion to kick off the beginning of the summer season. However the UK weather hasn’t received the message as we continue to experience a mixture of rain, wind and light clouds, with just a taste of blue skies and sun.
Constant great weather throughout the summer is not a great demand and climate is an important factor to consider when buying a property in a new […]

The Friday Five – Best Neighbourhoods

Last week we looked at the worst neighbourhoods on television. Today our Friday Five looks at the best TV neighbourhoods. If you could pick just one place to live from this list, where would it be? Maybe you can think of an even better onscreen neighbourhood. Let us know in the comment box below.
1. Beverly Hills 90210
Located in Los Angeles, California this affluent neighbourhood is the setting for the 90s TV show Beverly Hills 90210, which was revamped in 2008. It follows the shallow lives […]